Sunday, November 27, 2011

Thanksgiving and No More Drama

Thanksgiving shouldn't be the only time one reflects on the things they are grateful for. I try to do this often--very often, but I'm glad there is a day to celebrate those things that make life worthwhile. For me it is truly my family and friends. I'm also thankful to have good job and a home--not a house, but a home. I'd like to believe some of this is by luck (born into a family with great parents) and some of it is earned (good job, great friends).

When I think about these things the words of a song from The Sound of Music seems to echo in my head: "Somewhere in my youth and childhood, I must have done something good.' Alas, I was a brat. Thankfully, I am less of one now. 

Give Thanks--daily!
 During Thanksgiving I had a discussion (debate?!) with my mom about a relative I had a falling out with years ago. This person decided on Thanksgiving she would call my mom and sister to, I don't know, repent or attempt to try and mend relationships. It doesn't fly with me (remember that brat thing I mentioned?), because in my heart I know she is not sincere. Mom and I got into this conversation about forgiveness and making amends, blah blah blah. The truth is, if you base your relationships on how people treat you and vice versa, and your history in eachother's lives and your/their actions and it's consistently questionable at best, isn't it best to cut ties? (Cut the fat, it will weigh you down?!) I don't believe in wasting energy on people that drain it out of you, your family, their family, the people they supposedly care for.

For my own life and the age I am now, I don't want to waste my time. And that brings up the words to yet another, much different song Mary J Blige sings: "No more drama"! I am definitely thankful for that!

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Inside the Creative Mind

One of my new favorite shows is on the OWN Network: 'Visionaries: Inside the Creative Mind'. I love it because I so appreciate how one's idea or a thought becomes 'something' and how that transformation takes place. It can be anything from art to fashion to written words and music. I am fascinated by the start and development of the process--what sparks the imagination to grow into a fire? I think a lot of it comes with who you are and how you were raised--the influences that are put upon you and then those that are chosen as you get older.

One of the most beautiful and creative collections ever: Alexander McQueen

One of my favorite performers is Gwen Stefani--I love her references in her music and clothing to growing up and living practically in the backyard of Disneyland Anaheim. Or I love that someone like James Cameron always had visions and dreams and was on the journey to develop Avatar years before it became a movie. I love how Alexander McQueen created his collections based not only on his style but also his background incorporating what was going on politically between Scotland and England. I love Shepard Fairey and his collages that have a political spin and his OBEY line...

How things manifest in one's mind as they develop into an adult and how those contribute to ideas will always interest me...not all art I understand or 'get' but I will always appreciate where it comes from and what was at the genesis of that vision.


Monday, October 10, 2011

Gossip Girl

Ok this is a random rant.

I admit it, I gossip.

Sometimes I gossip with my girlfriends, sometimes I gossip to my husband. I do it. I'm not proud of it because gossip really says more about the person talking than it does about who they are talking about...

'Gossip' by Norman Rockwell
After a falling out with another 'so called' friend, I was reminded that there is a difference between gossiping among the girls or with your husband or co-workers, and being someone that intentionally fishes for information in order to use it against someone they call a 'friend'. That is just being cruel. And that is where I draw the line.

When they talk about being a mean girl it isn't just the cattiness of high doesn't change as girls get older...they just become women who are cruel about things that are more real, more hurtful and more personal.

I love this quote: 'Karma isn't a bitch unless you are one'. Ah, so true.

And no, I don't watch the show.

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Keep Looking Until You Find It

Today Steve Jobs died. It's very sad to hear of someone passing--of course I didn't know the guy but because he was such a larger than life CEO and a brilliant visionary that truly did change the world from his inventions and ideas, it was a surprise to me (even though he had been battling cancer for years and had stepped down from Apple). It made me really sad. I have always loved the commencement speech he gave at Stanford in 2005. It's all about 'connecting the dots' in your past and how experiences shape your future. I love it because it is a reminder that where you come from affects where you are going and you have to follow your instincts and what you believe in--in life, in work and in love.

I especially like this part: "As with all matters of the heart, you'll know when you find it. And, like any great relationship, it just gets better and better as the years roll on. So keep looking until you find it. Don't settle."

Now, it's easy for someone so wildly successful, to look back now and say that--but he's right. As much as we have to settle due to circumstances, and let's face it--reality, I hope that most people, especially the ones in my life, are settling as little as possible. I admire people that can take a leap of faith, go with their gut, jump, and fly. I'm not one of those people--but I know what I have in my personal life I haven't settled for. And I recognize it every day.

His passing is also a good reminder that no matter how much money, success, resources you have, you can never take good health for granted.

"Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life."

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Put On Your Red Shoes and Dance...

Here is a  fun fashion find I came upon in the extra discounted clearance rack (my favorite section).  Fun berry red suede boots from Off Fifth outlet store.  Now, if you know me you've never seen me wear red shoes--ever (not my kind of thing, or so I thought).  So it was to my surprise (and I know it will be to my sister's surprise) that I really really love these boots.  They are kind of ugly and cool at the same time (my kind of thing).

Saks brand comfy platform booties with 4" heel.

This is not something I would normally buy, which is probably why I did.  I sometimes look at items like this and start to have grand visions (grand delusions?) of wearing them somewhere fabulous and exciting (in this vision I am also super tall and able to wear skinny jeans)--when in reality I know I would never end up in those elaborate scenarios and I am barely 5'4".

It reminds me of one of my favorite commercials from one of my favorite stores:

The truth is, it's actually more meaningful (can shoes be meaningful?) to be able to wear them in reality--it's fun to breakout from the familiar and do something different to give sass to your step...and that pertains to more than just shoes.

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Image Is Not Everything

I love these photos of Marilyn Monroe by Bert Stern from the "Last Sitting". I love the old Hollywood glamour and the iconic images of who she was or rather, who the studio wanted her to be (remember the photos of her as wholesome Norma Jean?). I am also intrigued by her, as I assume a lot of people are, because of how sad her life was. You can never know, based on looks or money or fame what a person is about or who they really are. It's always so much more than just an image. Still, these are quite lovely to me.

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Target: Mission Missoni!

Last week, Target launched a line of clothing, housewares, stationary, luggage and more by the high end Italian knitwear design company Missoni.  I love Missoni because I am a fashion magazine junkie that loves their fun design and style but I'd have to say the majority of people I know from my area hadn't heard of them. When I told my husband they were having a line at Target he thought I said 'Mussolini'.

Scarves! Bikes! Luggage! Clothes! Margherita Missoni models the line for Target

Target promoted the hell out of the launch--magazine ads, commercials, online...on September 13th when the line went live, it literally crashed the Target website--the whole site. Customers excited to get their virtual hands on various items were greeted by Bullseye, the dog, Target's mascot and a message that the site was 'very popular' today--to please stay on and you'd get in ASAP.  Imagine the non-Missoni customer going into the site that day to buy cosmetics or toilet paper, Legos or CDs. The whole site was down.  I had the chance to make it over to my local Targtet mid-morning. Women were standing (guarding/blocking?) the racks, carts piled high with items screaming the Missoni signature zig zag design. They were buying it up and buying it all--luggage, comforters, sweaters, makeup bags, bikes (!), you name it. But the most popular of the line was the clothing.

Missoni is known for its colorful knitwear designs and the line for Target didn't disappoint--it offered cardigans, dresses, scarves, skirts (mini), hats...Some people (my husband) think the design is ugly. He calls it the 'squiggly jiggly' pattern reminiscent of Bill Cosby's famous sweaters on the Cosby Show (I am sure some of those were indeed Missoni). Evidence here:

Ahh, Bill and his sweaters...

Devotees of the line love the bold style of the family owned line (Margherita Missoni, the beautiful granddaughter of the founders, starred in all the ads). The Missoni style has a cult-like following with the celebrities and socialites (ok, rich people)--people that can afford a knit dress on Neiman for $1495 (did I mention anything knit can pull? Yikes!). A similar dress for Target sold for $54.99. That, and the limited availability of the line (it was scheduled to run for 6 weeks but sold out in many places the first day), made it quite popular.

All the hype about the Target site crashing caused a frenzy that day...on eBay. Yes, people purchased the Target items then re-sold them because they were not available online or in their stores. And I don't believe they were available internationally. I'm guilty--a few things I bought I didn't want so I posted.  2 days later the hype died down and while there are tons of listings still on eBay...I don't think it's as popular and the rush of folks clamoring to get their hands on the items has dwindled.

Kate in non-Target Missoni

Target heard a Twitterful when bloggers and customers posted negative comments about how difficult it was to access the site and how dare they promote it all and then not allow customers to buy! Oh my!

It's interesting--Supply and Demand--a full week has passed and now it's somewhat more accessible (albeit at a higher price) and people are not as Missoni-crazy anymore. It made me think, like I do whenever I get caught up in designer madness--do we really 'need' to have it or do we just want it knowing we can't get it?  And in this world of instant access to almost anything, do we feel entitled to get what we want when we want it?

That said, I was at Target yesterday, and they only have things for little girls left. I checked.

Monday, September 19, 2011


So this is my first post of my second blog. Back in 2006 I attempted a blog of random rants but I did not keep it up--the last post I wrote was from 2008! I decided (inspired at dinner with 2 great friends--thanks Annette and Stephanie) I would try again, still including random rants, but also sharing specific creative and fun finds--art, fashion, design, photography, writing. It's a great outlet for me living away from a city and in a smaller town where access to those things, while available here and there, is not always easy to find. Thankfully, the web allows us to expand beyond our walls and share colorful things we find or that happen to find us. That's how the name 'Beyond the Beige 'Burbs' came to be (and yes, I live in a beige house with beige walls!).

For this first post, I wanted to share one of my favorite things hanging in our house. It is on the wall near my bed so I see it every morning when I wake up and every night before I go to bed. I love it--it makes me smile.

I found it at Marshalls (love Marshalls) framed for $19.99.  It is part of a series but I had no wall space for the others and it was the one I liked most. I had no idea who created it until I did a search and found it is by Alicia Ludwig. You can see the others in the series on All here.

It's a cute reminder to belt it out whenever you feel like it.
